Do you know your passion?

Every person has his or her own personal characteristics and strengths, but also needs and passions.
Every company has its own special requirements, cultural peculiarities, customs, which are usually generated by the owner or the management and passed on to the organisation by the management.
Do you personally, shaped by your upbringing, socialised by your environment, conditioned by your experiences, guided by your education, really fit all the positions that seem (professionally) adequate for you that you find on the various career channels?
Or to all the enquiries that a personnel consultant wants to sell you as a "dream job"?


Ok, do you think that the professional match between the person and the vacant position is the most important thing? Well, that may well be true in many an industry and for many a job profile. Who would want to undergo a necessary heart operation on a trained software technician? So basically, it's true that you can't be a pilot if you're a confectioner, you can't be a heart surgeon if you're a technician, and probably some of us aren't cut out to be pope. But, if you really want to and are passionate about achieving a goal, most people can achieve ANYTHING. Think about the last time you worked late into the night on your holiday plans, for example, or tweaked the design for a garden makeover, or simply read a novel late into the night....

Enthusiasm for something, passion for something will make you successful.

But ....., there we are again with the selection of the right job, in the right company, which has to fit you.

How do you recognize if you are a good match for a job offer?

Well, one of the most common reasons why people quit their job is, on the one hand, their own supervisor, but also the feeling that they were not personally appreciated or "seen" in the job, in a company, or that the task was not as fulfilling as they had imagined (in the application process). In other words, that people and corporate culture in their respective uniqueness did not fit together as well as the head-hunter or the advertisement promised.  Even if you wanted to believe that this time it was the dream job. But why wasn't it the "dream job"?  Most people spend about 10 times more time working out what the next car should be or how it should be configured "right" for them. Sure, the car or the right camera or the motorbike are important. But you are even more important.


  • Find a coach with whom you can talk about the planned career change. Someone who won't tell you what to say. A good friend or a professional career counsellor. Qualified personnel consultants offer this service for you.
  • Learn or work out what personal idiosyncrasies you really have and what professional framework conditions you need to "put your horsepower on the road". Do a competence analysis, qualified personnel consultants also offer this as part of career counselling.
  • Get in-depth second, third and fourth opinions or information about the company and evaluate them critically. You probably know someone in the company you are applying to, or you know a good recruiter who can offer valuable advice.
  • Never change jobs for a "hope".
  • Think of choosing a new employer like choosing your partner, you don't marry "everyone" right away.

At HILL International, our mission is to make people and companies successful because we bring them together based on real cultural and personal matches.

That is what inspires us.

Interested in career counselling at HILL? Click here for further details.

Ing. Mag. Manfred Webersdorfer, Managing Partner
Managing Partner

We believe in the enormous potential of people in a suitable environment, if they are given suitable framework conditions and the space to develop.