HILL Competence Analysis
- Are you looking for a tool in recruiting processes that provides you with an objective match of open positions to personal and professional competencies?
- Are you asking yourself which candidates are the best fit for your corporate culture?
- How do you ensure that your junior managers, high potentials and experts develop into the right position in the company according to their competences?
- Do you have the right tools at hand for international staffing that also work online and at the push of a button in the respective national language?
With the HILL Competence Analysis®, our analysis tool that has been tried and tested thousands of times over for decades, we have the right answers to your questions: with its support we provide you with a complete picture of the individual potential structures and value landscapes of your candidates. Psychologically and scientifically sound, objective, online and in around 20 world languages
- Value attitudes and basic behaviour patterns in comparison with the requirement profile
- Cognitive skills for problem solving
- professional fields of interest
- ideal working conditions
- Individual sales style
- strengths/weaknesses in sales talk
- Management strategies and specific management style taking into account the respective management level
- Attentiveness
- Work accuracy
- speed of work
Safety is a good feeling
Instinctive feelings can be deceptive, first impressions can be misleading. The HILL Competence Analysis®, on the other hand, provides you with an undistorted and clearly contoured internal view of your most promising candidates: An overall picture of the professional skills, most important personality traits and values. This is how you put your choice on a scientific basis. And make them a perfect match with your requirements and your corporate culture.
The best choice
- Professional, personal and cultural suitability
- Flexible analysis through module combination according to your needs
- Clear and customized presentation of results in the Matching Report
- state of the art in business psychology
- Quick and easy to carry out online
- in about 20 world languages
Download sample results HILL Competence Analysis
Download Matching Report Sample