Career Counselling & Coaching
Are you facing a professional challenge? Has your career reached a dead end? Do you have to overcome a professional crisis? Or are your thoughts circling around your next career step and the right application strategy because it's time for something new? We are your mentor who will accompany you safely even on rough terrain.
Get to know yourself anew in the mirror of the HILL Competence Analysis®: Find out with us objectively and scientifically how your personality is shaped. What your true abilities and professional interests lie in. For example: How you lead as a manager, or what you already do very well in sales talks and what you can still improve on. Plus: how you perform and concentrate. We will go through the results with you in a comprehensive counselling interview, in which there will be enough time and space for your personal issues.
Our career coaching is a personal affair between you and us. With sensitivity and the right questions, we use the conversation to get you on the track of your usual patterns - so that you can change your perspective and see a situation with new eyes. This opens up possibilities for action that you have not yet seen or considered.
Apart from this, coaching is an excellent format for reflecting on decisions that have been considered or already made and for planning the next concrete steps towards a goal. Whether one-off, selective or regular: coaching always has an effect.
You know it well: There is no second chance for a first impression. When you apply for a job, you only have a few seconds to make a convincing impression, first with your documents and then in person. Work out with us individually how you can best design your application documents and present your CV in the best possible way. Afterwards, we will train you for the job interview and play through various concrete interview scenarios with you. In addition to many good tips, we will also give you our well-founded feedback on specific job offers and job advertisements.
Career counselling including HILL Competence Analysis®
- The right way to take the next step in your career
- Use your personal strengths even better
- Become aware of personal values & potentials
Career coaching
- Clarity and security in unclear situations
- Discovering new solutions and perspectives
- Reflection in a neutral and safe setting
Application training
- The decisive difference to the mass of applicants
- Accurate documents
- Convincing appearance